N. Tucker Meneely


[email protected]

T410-268-6600 ext(3452)


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Bar/Court Admissions

  • Maryland, 2010
  • U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, 2011
  • U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 2011
  • U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, 2014

N. Tucker Meneely

N. Tucker Meneely has extensive experience in complex civil litigation matters and appeals. Tucker’s litigation practice focuses on contract disputes, business torts, professional negligence litigation, residential and commercial landlord-tenant matters, estate and trust litigation, libel and slander litigation, employment disputes, and real estate litigation. A former appellate law clerk, Tucker is a leader in Council Baradel’s appellate practice, handling civil appeals in state and federal courts. His work also includes contract drafting and negotiation, preparation of business governance documents and general counsel work. Tucker works closely with the firm’s estate planning, real estate, and transactional practice groups, drawing on his litigation background to provide strategic counseling and litigation support to Council Baradel’s diverse array of clients. Tucker strives to achieve efficient, favorable results for his clients by bringing a creative and pragmatic approach to each case.

Tucker graduated from the University of Baltimore School of Law, magna cum laude, where he received the Dean’s Citation for Service and was inducted into the Heuisler Honor Society. During law school, he served as the Editor-in-Chief of the University of Baltimore Law Forum. Tucker holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Drexel University, where he was a member of the men’s lacrosse team. 

Tucker is responsible for the Council Baradel Law Clerkship program, which provides law students the opportunity to develop professional legal skills with practicing lawyers. Tucker frequently writes for area legal publications. He was a regular contributor to The Daily Record’s Generation J.D. blog, where he shared practice tips as well as his experiences as a young lawyer balancing work and family life. He has also contributed to The Barrister, the newsletter of the Anne Arundel Bar Association, and the Maryland Litigator, the newsletter of the MSBA Litigation Section.  

Tucker serves the community as a Board Member of The Bill Sweeney Perinatal Care Fund. A native Annapolitan, Tucker resides in Anne Arundel County with his wife and three children.   

Professional Associations

  • Anne Arundel County Bar Association
  • Maryland State Bar Association

Representative Matters

  • Charles Riley, Jr. Revocable Trust v. Venice Beach Citizens Association, Inc., 487 Md. 1 (2024)
  • Brusznicki v. Prince George's County, 42 F.4th 413 (4th Cir. 2022)
  • Mayor & City Council of Baltimore v. Thornton Mellon, 478 Md. 396 (2022)
  • Ty Webb LLC v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 251 Md. App. 32 (2021)
  • Mayor & City Council of Baltimore v. Thornton Mellon, 249 Md. App. 231 (2021)
  • Harleysville Preferred Insurance Company v. Rams Head Savage Mill LLC, 237 Md. App. 705 (2018)
  • Precision Small Engines v. College Park, 457 Md. 573 (2018)
  • Sage Title Group, LLC v. Roman, 455 Md. 188 (2017)
  • City of College Park v. Precision Small Engines, Inc., 233 Md. App. 74 (2017)
  • Roman v. Sage Title Group, LLC, 229 Md. App. 601 (2016)

Community Involvement

  • Woodswise: The Severna Park Elderly Housing Corporation – Board of Directors (2016-2022), President (2019-2022)
  • The Bill Sweeney Perinatal Care Fund – Board of Directors
  • Anne Arundel County Volunteer Center – Board of Directors (2016-2019)
  • Annapolis Rotary Club – Member (2011-2015) 

Honors / Awards

  • Business Law Power List – The Daily Record (2025)
  • Whats Up? Annapolis Magazine Leading Lawyer (2016-2025)
    • Appellate Law & Litigation
  • Super Lawyers (2014-2025)
    • Appellate Law & Litigation
  • Maryland Bar Foundation
    • Fellow



  • University of Baltimore School of Law (J.D., magna cum laude, 2010)
    • Heuisler Honor Society
    • Dean's Citation for Outstanding Service to the School of Law
  • Drexel University (B.S., 2002)


Blog Posts

  • Why do we still cite the Atlantic Reporter? You are a young associate. A partner stops by your office and drops off a brief, asking you to cite-check it before it is filed. You skim through it and discover the citations are anything but consistent. In some places, both the Maryland Reporter and Atlantic Reporter are cited for Maryland cases, but in many instances, only the Maryland Reporter is cited. Even worse, there are hardly any accurate, pinpoint cites.
  • Don't be 'The Internalizer' He (or she) is an attorney who, over the years, internalizes all of his clients' issues. From criminal charges to contract disputes to personal injuries, he takes on all of his clients' life-altering problems as they are his own. In doing so, he becomes a big ball of stress and anxiety who is grouchy and has trouble functioning at work and at home.
  • It's a shame: The rise of bullying on the Internet and the new legal landscape. Since the advent of social media, there has been a meteoric rise in a relic from our past - public shaming. The ease with which a once-private individual can have his or her personal information splashed across computer screens throughout the world is frightening. If you are on social media - and I'll assume that, as a young lawyer, you are - you probably see examples of this on a daily basis, where private citizens have the ire of the Internet (or a faction thereof) focused upon them for a day or two, and sometimes longer, before they vanish into the ether.
  • Here's your unreported opinions. (Now don't ever cite them!) An anxious young attorney looks at his watch and sees that it's 4:30 p.m. He quickly opens up his computer's Internet browser and clicks on the link to the Court of Appeals' website, specifically, the page that hosts appellate opinions. (It's bookmarked for easy access.)
  • The resident humorist on the Court of Appeals Since graduating from law school, I've made a habit of checking the Court of Appeals website every morning to see if there are any new opinions. It's a great way for me to stay up-to-date on the law. I generally only stop to read the opinions that are related to my practice, but I have one exception.
  • Gaining perspective from the past experiences of others By all accounts, the beginning of one's legal career can be the most difficult. Young attorneys could be dealing with a lot all at once - learning practice areas (not to mention the practice of law), growing families and managing student loan debt, just to name a few things. With all of that pressure can come the nagging urge to question your life choices: Why did I choose this career?!
  • Adventures in legal writing Driving into work last week, I was listening to one of my favorite new podcasts, Reply All, which is a show full of oddball stories about the Internet. The subject of last week's episode was a software engineer named Bryan Henderson who has made it his quest to rid Wikipedia of one grammatical mistake: the incorrect use of the phrase "comprised of" in articles.
  • The 'Waiter Rule' and attorneys: A reminder to be nice Have you ever heard of the "Waiter Rule"? It goes like this: "a person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter . . . is not a nice person." I am a former bartender, so the Waiter Rule especially hits home for me. But it speaks to something bigger than just how we treat people who work at restaurants.
  • This young lawyer got his priorities straight. You won't believe what happened to him next. First, I sincerely apologize for the clickbait title to this post but, in my case, it is kind of fitting. To tell my story, I need to start back in late November. The Anne Arundel Bar Association was hosting one of its regular charity pub quiz events, and we were halfway through the first part of the quiz when my phone started buzzing. As a strict adherer to pub quiz rules, I avoided the urge to grab my phone so as not to be seen as a cheater. But it kept buzzing. Text messages, then phone calls. When the round was finally over, I grabbed my phone to see several missed calls and messages from my sister.
  • A wish list for young civil litigators A partner at my law firm likes to joke that attorneys spend their first five years practicing law in abject fear. This is mostly because there is so much to learn and - not to get too Rumsfeldian on you - young attorneys don't know what they don't know.
  • A day in the life of a young, married lawyer It's 4:37 a.m. and my alarm goes off. No, not the alarm clock next to my bed. I haven't needed to set that thing in over two years. I am talking about the little sound monitor to the right of the alarm clock, which is blasting the noise coming from down the hall in my son's room.
  • Constructive courtroom criticism In one of my first blog posts for Generation J.D., I discussed the benefits of continuing legal education (CLE) and mentioned an intensive, one-week trial advocacy course for which I had registered. That course started this past week, and after having every aspect of my advocacy skills scrutinized, I am happy to report that the course has been a revelation for me (as opposed to the torture I was expecting).
  • Taking the high road: How I learned to press "Delete" You ever have one of those days where every person with whom you are dealing woke up on the wrong side of the bed? As attorneys, we have the "luxury" of working in a profession where this can be a common occurrence.
  • Leaving school behind for the practice of law Nineteen years. That's how long I had been in school by the time I received my law degree. Knowing that I would never have to set foot in a classroom again was extremely satisfying. The learning was done; it was time to make a living, I thought. Boy, was I wrong.