
Online Payment

Pay Your Invoice or Retainer Online
Council Baradel accepts credit cards for the payment of invoices and retainers. Existing clients may remit invoice payments or retainer/trust deposits by selecting the appropriate link below. We use LawPay, endorsed by the American Bar Association and the Maryland State Bar Association. LawPay utilizes the latest security protocols to ensure that your credit card transactions are safe and secure.

Pay Invoice 

Pay Retainer/Trust

This service is for existing clients ONLY. If a payment cannot be matched to an existing client account, we will reject the charge.

**The only way you can secure legal representation by one of our lawyers is by receipt of an executed engagement letter or agreement by an authorized representative of Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A.

**The use of the Internet or this form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.