
Susan Stobbart Shapiro to Speak to Business Owners on New Federal Overtime Rule >
June 13, 2016

John Naumann Strange to Speak at Estate Planning Seminar in Severna Park on June 20th, 2016 >
June 6, 2016

Susan Stobbart Shapiro Moderated Panel at ABA Labor & Employment Law Section's National Symposium >
May 11, 2016

Susan Stobbart Shapiro to Speak on Preserving and Admitting Social Media Evidence >
May 6, 2016

Mollie Walsh Joins Council Baradel as Director of Marketing >
May 6, 2016

Judge Donna M. Schaeffer Takes the Bench. >
April 11, 2016

Frederick C. Sussman served as a moderator in the 2016 Candidates Forum for the District 4 Congressional Candidates. >
March 2016

Ronald A. Baradel honored with The Daily Record's Inaugural 2016 Leadership in Law Lifetime Achievement Award. >
March 2016

The Estate Planning and Administration practice group of Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A. renews 2016 Corporate Member status with Anne Arundel Estate Planning Council . >
February 2016

Michael N. Russo, Jr joined his wife Betsy Russo, Esquire of MCP Title Services, LLC in making a presentation to the District of Columbia Association of Realtors on the DC Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act. >
January 2016

Stephen A. Oberg speaks to Calvert County Chamber of Commerce >
January 2016

Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A. Director Donna McCabe Schaeffer named to the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County >
January 2016

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