Council, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan, P.A.

Blog Posts

A wish list for young civil litigators >
A partner at my law firm likes to joke that attorneys spend their first five years practicing law in abject fear. This is mostly because there is so much to learn and - not to get too Rumsfeldian on you - young attorneys don't know what they don't know.
December 26, 2014

A day in the life of a young, married lawyer >
It's 4:37 a.m. and my alarm goes off. No, not the alarm clock next to my bed. I haven't needed to set that thing in over two years. I am talking about the little sound monitor to the right of the alarm clock, which is blasting the noise coming from down the hall in my son's room.
December 11, 2014

Constructive courtroom criticism >
In one of my first blog posts for Generation J.D., I discussed the benefits of continuing legal education (CLE) and mentioned an intensive, one-week trial advocacy course for which I had registered. That course started this past week, and after having every aspect of my advocacy skills scrutinized, I am happy to report that the course has been a revelation for me (as opposed to the torture I was expecting).
November 13, 2014

Taking the high road: How I learned to press "Delete" >
You ever have one of those days where every person with whom you are dealing woke up on the wrong side of the bed? As attorneys, we have the "luxury" of working in a profession where this can be a common occurrence.
October 2, 2014

Leaving school behind for the practice of law >
Nineteen years. That's how long I had been in school by the time I received my law degree. Knowing that I would never have to set foot in a classroom again was extremely satisfying. The learning was done; it was time to make a living, I thought. Boy, was I wrong.
September 19, 2014

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