For all your future plans.
Careful consideration and planning for the disposition of assets after death is essential to a client’s emotional and financial well-being. A well-conceived plan provides peace of mind and can avoid after-death disputes among heirs and others, while often utilizing various methods of planning to minimize the impact of federal and state taxes that can follow death. We understand the importance to our clients of sensitive, competent and trustworthy representation in matters that affect not only the client but his or her loved ones for years to come.
Estate Planning
Our estates and trusts attorneys’ first priority is getting to know our clients and their specific values and goals. We have significant experience providing our clients with comprehensive estate planning and counsel, as well as preparing the wills, trust instruments, and other devices best suited to the client’s particular needs and finances. We also offer assistance to clients regarding the orderly management of their personal and health care needs in the event they become unable to make decisions for themselves due to age or infirmity.
Estate Administration
We have represented countless personal representatives in the administration of estates, and assisted and guided them in carrying out their legal duties, from drafting the forms necessary to open the estate to the preparation of fiduciary and estate tax returns to the closing out process.
Trust Administration
Our attorneys provide comprehensive trust administration services by representing trustees and beneficiaries. We seek to guide the client through the applicable trust, as needed, considering the terms of the trust and the applicable laws.
Trust and Estate Litigation
Our attorneys also counsel clients with regard to fiduciary litigation matters and dispute resolution. We have successfully represented clients in state court in various estate and/or trust litigation matters, including contesting wills and challenging trustees' decisions regarding use of trust funds, among other similar cases.
Estate Planning Blog
View our blog to view helpful articles on different estate planning topics.

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