In your corner.
Felonies and Misdemeanors
Council Baradel’s attorneys represent clients charged with felony and misdemeanor offenses at the trial and appellate levels in all State and Federal courts in Maryland and the District of Columbia. This representation includes the defense of individuals charged with murder, assault, disorderly conduct, conspiracy, weapons violations, sex offenses, possession and distribution of controlled substances, as well as motor vehicle violations, including alcohol and drug related driving offenses. Our attorneys have years of experience representing clients at all stages of felony and misdemeanor offenses from intake through arraignment, to preliminary hearings and trials. Our attorneys understand the complexity of multi-defendant felony representation and have extensive experience in the use of ballistics testing, DNA testing, and medical records as criminal defense tools. Our attorneys also handle the defense of juvenile matters, recognize the seriousness of juvenile offenses, and are highly skilled in dealing with these emotionally charged cases. In all cases, the firm's representation of the client is geared toward ensuring and protecting that client’s Constitutional rights as well as working with the client to prepare a defense while exploring solutions other than trial, where appropriate.
Traffic Offenses/DUI/DWI
Traffic violations happen. Council Baradel’s attorneys represent clients throughout the State, whether charged with a minor traffic violation like speeding or a more serious traffic offense like DWI/DUI. Knowledge of the court system and experience in handling these violations is crucial as they can have an adverse effect on the client’s driving privilege. Our attorneys also attempt to avoid or minimize the “points” that might affect a client’s driving record. We regularly appear with clients whose licenses are in danger of suspension or revocation by the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA).
Please send us an email and one of our attorneys will be in contact with you in a timely manner.