Susan Stobbart Shapiro gave a webinar to the Maryland Medical Group Management Association regarding changes to OSHA recordkeeping and reporting requirements becoming effective January 1, 2015. > Novemeber 2014
Kevin Schaeffer Participates in Cawood Inns of Court Panel Discussion regarding Interference with Child Custody > November 2014
NYC Marathon Completed by Susan Stobbart Shapiro > November 2014
CRTC Taps Shapiro for Social Media Marketing Forum > November 2014
Mike Russo provides comments on new DC Court of Appeals decision on super-priority of DC Condo Liens over first Deeds of Trust. > September 2014
Susan Shapiro named "Power Player" by SmartCEO > September 2014
Susan Stobbart Shapiro to speak at CRTC. > October 2014
Celebrating Steve Oberg's Investiture as AABA President in the August issue of the Barrister. > September 2014
Susan Stobbart Shapiro Celebrates 20 Years at Council Baradel > September 2014
Ronald A. Baradel joins the Anne Arundel Senior Provider Group. > September 2014
N. Tucker Meneely Selected by Maryland Daily Record to Write for Generation J.D. Blog > September 2014
Michael N. Russo, Jr. Elected to the Anne Arundel County Community Partnership Board for the United Way of Central Maryland. > August 2014
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